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NM Collector Cross Platform Tutorial - 7. Data Backup and Recovery


Updated: Oct 15, 2024

NOTE: Backup Database does not backup or export pictures. If you want to backup both your database and pictures use the "Export > To Data Transfer" feature (covered in data transfers) instead.

Don't Disable Backups!!!

Unless you choose to disable it, your data is backed up every time you start the application. You can also make manual backups as well.

Automatic Backups

Automatic backups are stored in your Data Directory. Use Help > About to see where your directories are located. In the example below, which is my computer, backups are stored in the C:\Users\cjpry\AppData\Roaming\nmcollector directory. This is also where the active database is stored.

Let's take a look at that directory. These files are sorted in Date modified descending order for the screen shot below.

Note the nmcswDB.sqlite file. This is the current database. The nmcswDB_1678975593511.sqlite file is a backup that was automatically generated when the program was started. Once you start making changes in NM Collector Software Cross Platform the order of these files will change because nmcswDB.sqlite will become the most recently modified file.

If, for some reason, your need to recover from backup, you would select the file with the date that corresponds to the backup that you would like to recover.

Manual Backups "File > Backup Database"

You can also manually backup your database at any time. When the "File > Backup Database menu option is selected, you will be given the opportunity to select a backup location. This can be anywhere. It is not limited to the application's data directory. The default location is your Documents directory. Here I am selecting C:\Users\cjpry\Documents\Exports\SnapShots.

After the export, we can find a copy of the database in the C:\Users\cjpry\Documents\Exports\SnapShots folder. If you plan to keep multiple backups in the same folder, it is important to rename each one as you backup so it will not be overwritten by the next manual backup.

NOTE: this does not backup or export pictures. If you want to backup both your database and pictures use the "Export > To Data Transfer" feature instead.

Recovery "File > Recover Database"

You can use "File > Recover Database" menu option to overwrite your current database from a backup. When you make that selection, you will be instructed to select the backup file you want to recover. It will default to your data directory (where automatic backups are stored) but you can navigate to your manual backup location if you prefer.

Select the backup database that you wish to recover and click the Open button.

Since this will overwrite your current data, the system will ask you to confirm that you want to load the selected data.

It will then notify you that it is shutting down. This is required in order to reload the backup data when you restart the program.

Keep in mind that restarting the program will generate a new backup. This backup will contain the data that you just recovered.



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